Shed Light On The Lighthouse

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Objectives List:

  1. Go to the Saint-Exil lighthouse
  2. Explore the lighthouse
  3. Find a valve
  4. Fix the pressure
  5. Fix Saint-Exil's hydraulic generator
  6. Search the control room


Elise tries to go to the lighthouse and restore a turbine there to restore electricity allowing her to progress into new areas of Saint-Exil.


You can now leave the Elise's House garden and explore your street at Hubhouse. To continue to the lighthouse L'Écrin, you will have to reach this gate :

You arrived to Lighthouse level near the Flower House and get into your first fight. Once the enemy is defeated you will need to scavenge for an axe.

And use it against the tree that will allow you to cross over the fallen bridge. Hit the tree with the axe and then start a storm (F by default on keyboard, and Y on the gamepad controller).

If you continue forward you will soon arrive at the L'Écrin. You can read the informative panel in front of it so that Elise note the lighthouse inauguration date (1835). Get inside the lighthouse and reach the lowest level. There is a first locker that shows up. It needs the lighthouse inauguration date as code in order to obtain the circuit breaker.

If you go through the door next to the stairs, it will lock behind you. You will have to continue to the control room and access the computer which manages the security of the system as well as the the town's secondary generator.

You will have to fight your way through so you can disable the security (using the computer on the corner of the room) and get out of the lighthouse with your circuit breaker in hands. This circuit breaker will allow you to reconnect the Cables Box leading to the Pointe de Mael.

You will be offered to insert the circuit breaker in the electrical box and put the colored cables in order. To grasp the right order, just look at the top of the Cables Box using the fps camera. And reproduce the order.

In this example, it means putting the cables from top to bottom: Black, White, Yellow and Blue. You can now open the gate and access the Pointe de Mael. To enter the zone you will have to use your axe on a tree and use the storm as done previously. You will then find a boat with Frank date of birth written on it. (19 of march)

You can use that information in the lighthouse second locker to obtain the missing valve.

Enter 1903 or 0319 and collect the valve. Place it on the missing slot and set the pressures so that the total of each section is equal to 1.

Now that it's done you can restart the power generation from the control room computer (the same one used to unlock the security door).

Now the current is back on you can check a desk at the end of the control room, which will trigger a cinematic. Once this cinematic is done, you can get back to your house using the newly unlocked shortcut. Don’t forget to take your circuit breaker back from the gate leading to the “pointe de Mael”.