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Here you will find the list of iconic objects from the 90s that can be found throughout Saint-Exil. These objects have no particular function.
Collecting all of its objects is necessary for the success of the Achievements named Souvenir Souvenir.


Description: A small toy strangely resembling Élise.
Location: In the scriptorium at Church.


Description: The famous chips of the Chipstos brand. The Chipstos Commercial cassette promotes this famous brand established in the region of Saint-Exil.
Location: In the Panier à Crabes restaurant at Beach.


Description: A chewing-gum case as fluorescent as it is chemical in taste.
Location: In the Dereau House garden at Beach.

Pattern Game

Description: The famous game that tests your memory skills.
Location: in the storage room at Church.

Rubik's Cube

Description: This game needs no introduction. Can be found in all children's rooms.
Location: During the Nico The Robot mission. (3 tokens)


Description: Pair of glasses as cheesy as they are unique.
Location: Inside a shelf at the Flower House.


Description: The friend of all school children who needed assistance for an exam...
Location: In the attic of the Elise's House.